Thoughts on all things garden themed from an antique dealer gone amuck! I write, play with the dogs, and fill my house with garden art. There is hardly time to work the dirt!

Copyright 2010-2013 Barbara Barth, Writer With Dogs

Monday, June 7, 2010


Flowers really do intoxicate me. ~Vita Sackville-West

I love pink. This lovely cart was a display item at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens Gift Shop last year and I brought it quickly when they decided to sell it. I painted it pink. It sits out in the back flower bed and a few weeks ago my tiny pale pink roses started to burst forth giving me a Kodak moment I had to take advantage of. The large garden angel is a vintage iron piece that is as tall as any human. I call her Anne, who was my special angel.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Barbara...Your garden looks beautiful!! I love the pink. Hoping to see you soon!
